Brake Safety Week: A Complete Checklist for Truckers

Brake Safety Week Begins Sunday. Will Your Truck Pass the Inspection?

Would your truck pass inspection if it got stopped today? More importantly, will your brakes do their job when you need them the most? These are important questions for truckers to think about as we head into the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s (CVSA) annual Brake Safety Week. Starting Sunday, August 25, CVSA-certified inspectors will be on the roads, conducting routine commercial motor vehicle inspections. Their main focus this year? Brake systems and components.

Now is the perfect time to give your truck’s brakes a thorough inspection. If you’re unsure of their condition, it’s wise to have a technician take a close look. Why the urgency? Well, any commercial motor vehicle found with brake-related out-of-service violations will be pulled off the road until those issues are fixed. This could lead to costly delays and, more importantly, put your safety at risk.

For this year’s Brake Safety Week, inspectors will zoom in on the condition of brake linings and pads. Even minor issues with these parts could land your truck in violation and negatively affect your motor carrier’s safety rating, according to the CVSA.

Last Year’s Results

Let’s take a look back at last year’s Brake Safety Week. Of the 18,031 commercial motor vehicles inspected across the U.S., a staggering 2,240—or 12.4%—had brake-related out-of-service violations. Out of these, inspectors found 352 power units and 236 towed units with lining or pad violations. These numbers are more than just statistics; they highlight the importance of regular brake maintenance and inspections. If you don’t want to become part of this year’s numbers, now’s the time to take action.

T.J. Thomas, director of marketing and customer solutions for Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems, knows the ins and outs of braking systems. He emphasizes that many of these violations can be easily prevented with proper maintenance and regular inspections. “You simply can’t overstate the importance of keeping up with maintenance and examination of the wheel-ends and braking system, because so many aspects of safe vehicle operation are directly impacted by what goes on in those areas,” Thomas said.

Simple Steps for Safe Driving

So, what can you do to stay ahead of potential brake issues? Bendix recommends that drivers perform both pre-trip and post-trip inspections daily. These inspections are essential for catching any problems with your brakes early on.

Daily Checks:

  • Look for any damaged or loose-hanging air chambers, pushrods, or slack adjusters.
  • Ensure the slack adjusters on each axle are extended at the same angle. If they’re not, this could indicate an out-of-adjustment brake or a broken spring brake power spring.
  • Check the condition, positioning, and connections of tubing and hoses.

While daily checks are essential, don’t forget to dig a bit deeper once a week. This is where you can catch issues that might not be visible during a quick daily inspection.

Weekly Checks:

  • Perform a 90- to 100-psi brake application with the wheels chocked and parking brakes released. Take a moment to listen for any leaks.
  • Inspect air disc brake rotors for cracks.
  • Check drum brake linings for both wear and cracks.

Keeping up with these inspections not only ensures your safety on the road but also protects others around you. The last thing any driver wants is to have brake problems in the middle of a journey, especially when those problems could have been easily avoided with regular checks. Brake Safety Week is a great reminder of how critical it is to keep up with maintenance. With inspectors out in full force, now is the time to ensure that your truck is in top shape.

Failing to pass a brake inspection could result in significant downtime, expensive repairs, and even impact your company’s safety rating. But with proper maintenance and attention to detail, you can avoid these headaches and keep your truck rolling smoothly down the road.

In summary, Brake Safety Week is about much more than just passing an inspection—it’s about ensuring your brakes can perform when it matters most. By staying on top of your truck’s maintenance, you’re not only protecting yourself but also making the roads safer for everyone.

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