Alarming Increase in Cargo Theft: Q3 Report Highlights Growing Concern

The third quarter of 2023 has seen a worrying 59% increase in cargo theft across Canada and the U.S., as reported by CargoNet. This surge in criminal activity has resulted in over 692 thefts, costing the industry upwards of US $31 million. This alarming trend highlights growing security concerns in the transportation and logistics sector.

The Predominance of Shipment Misdirection Attacks

A significant portion of the cargo thefts in Q3 can be attributed to shipment misdirection attacks. This form of strategic theft involves the use of stolen carrier and broker identities to intercept and reroute goods to different destinations. The increase in such sophisticated theft methods presents a complex challenge for the industry, with a reported 430% year-over-year increase in these types of incidents.

Variety in Thefts and Targeted States

Alongside strategic thefts, the number of stolen full-trailer loads also saw a 4% increase. The states most affected by these thefts are California, Texas, and Illinois, with Florida and Georgia also reporting high levels of criminal activity. This geographical spread underscores the nationwide scale of the issue.

New Commodities in Thieves' Crosshairs

Traditionally, household goods and food and beverages have been the most commonly stolen commodities. However, CargoNet’s 2023 Third Quarter Supply Chain Risk Trends Analysis indicates a shift towards more varied targets, including metals like copper, brass, aluminum, officially licensed sports apparel, and personal care and beauty products. This diversification of targeted goods suggests that thieves are continuously adapting their strategies to exploit new opportunities.

Heightened Risks with the Holiday Season

With the Christmas holiday season approaching, there is no indication that cargo theft activities will decrease. In fact, the festive period often sees a spike in such crimes, with strategic cargo theft expected to remain at high levels of activity throughout the final quarter of 2023.

A Special Warning for Small Carriers

CargoNet particularly warns smaller fleets and owner-operators to be vigilant during this period. Smaller carriers are increasingly targeted by strategic theft groups, who prefer them over larger fleets due to less stringent identity theft checks by logistics brokers. These criminals often hijack carrier accounts or convince carriers to solicit shipments on their behalf, leading to significant losses.

The Challenge of Underreporting

One of the key issues in tackling cargo theft is underreporting. Many of these crimes go unreported, making it challenging for law enforcement and industry bodies to accurately track and respond to these threats. CargoNet urges the industry to report any suspicious activity to local law enforcement immediately and to contact them afterward when there are no immediate threats to life or property.

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