Advanced Phishing Tactics Aimed at Stealing DAT Logins

In an era where digital security is paramount, it’s crucial to stay vigilant against sophisticated cyber threats. A recent incident has surfaced that demands immediate attention, particularly from users of DAT (Dial-a-Truck) services.

A follower on Instagram alerted  to an ongoing scam where individuals are impersonating DAT (Dial-a-Truck), using an email address from a dubious domain: These emails are being sent to unsuspecting carriers with a message stating, “WE HAD TO CANCEL SETUP: YOU HAVE A REPORT.” The email cunningly includes a copied freight guard report from Carrier 411, and at the bottom, it prompts recipients to respond via a website link to

No Partnership Between DAT and Carrier 411: DAT and Carrier 411 are not known to have any partnership. Therefore, it is highly unlikely for DAT to include a Carrier 411 freight guard report in their communications.

Poor Grammar and Language: The emails are poorly written, which could indicate that the hackers are operating from a non-English-speaking country. However, it’s essential not to make assumptions about their location to avoid unwarranted conclusions and potential threats.

Questionable Content: The email’s content itself is suspicious. Why would DAT cancel a setup? Typically, such cancellations would come from a broker, not DAT.

Deceptive Website: The website,, although appearing legitimate, is a sophisticated facade designed to prompt users to log in with their DAT credentials, which the scammers then steal. A significant clue to its illegitimacy is the non-functional “View Latest Updates” button, a stark contrast to the legitimate DAT website,

Stay Alert: This incident is a stark reminder that hackers and scammers are becoming increasingly sophisticated in their methods. It is crucial never to log into any site from a link sent via email to avoid the risk of credential theft.

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