The Staged Accident Schemes in New Orleans

The recent sentencing of two individuals in New Orleans for their involvement in staged accidents with tractor-trailers highlights a disturbing trend of fraud and deception targeting innocent truckers.

Joseph Brewton and Roderick Hickman, both found guilty of conspiracy to commit mail fraud, were part of a larger network that orchestrated fraudulent lawsuits against trucking companies, costing the industry millions.

This saga began to unfold in 2015, with the FBI’s “Operation Sideswipe” bringing to light a series of staged accidents. These meticulously planned incidents often involved a “slammer” – a driver who intentionally caused a collision with a commercial vehicle, all under the guidance of certain local attorneys. These lawyers would then file fraudulent lawsuits, exploiting the legal system for monetary gain.

Joseph Brewton, sentenced to 18 months in prison and ordered to pay over half a million dollars in restitution, was involved in at least four staged accidents.

Roderick Hickman faced a harsher penalty of 42 months in prison and was ordered to pay a staggering $5.7 million in restitution. Their cases are part of over 60 individuals charged, pleaded guilty, or sentenced in this extensive federal investigation.

The impact of these schemes was profound. Trucking and insurance companies paid out vast sums for fraudulent claims, with Hickman’s claims alone totaling $277,500. The investigations also implicated several attorneys, including Danny Keating Jr., who orchestrated these illegal activities.

What’s concerning is the scale of this operation. Estimates suggest that as many as 150 staged accidents may have occurred since 2015 in the New Orleans area.

This not only reflects on the vulnerabilities in the trucking and insurance sectors but also on the manipulation of legal systems for corrupt purposes.

As we witness the unfolding of these cases, it’s a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance and integrity within the legal and transportation industries.

The New Orleans staged accident schemes serve as a cautionary tale of greed and deception, and the relentless pursuit of justice by federal authorities.

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